Christmas Candy Contest

What would Christmas be without candy? Candy canes, fudge, caramels, chocolate-dipped toffee, handmade turtles, and the list goes on. What are your family favorites? It could be a recipe passed down for generations or one of your own. Maybe it’s sugar-free for the diabetic in your family. We want to know!

You may only enter one recipe. Winning entries will be printed in the December issue of Illinois Country Living. All entries will be included on the magazine’s website at

Enter online at Each entry MUST include your name, address and phone number PLUS the name of your Illinois electric cooperative, or it will be disqualified. You may also mail entries to Illinois Country Living Candy Contest, P.O. Box 3787, Springfield, IL 62708. Entry deadline is September 17, 2021.

Submit your recipe

Prizes:Candy Contest

  • First place:
    $100 gift card
  • Second place:
    $75 gift card
  • Third place:
    $50 gift card
  • Five honorable mentions:
    $25 gift cards