Subscriptions to Illinois Country Living
A one-year subscription to Illinois Country Living is just $12.

Send a check or money order with your name and address to:

Subscriptions, Illinois Country Living
6460 S 6th St Frontage Rd E
Springfield, IL 62712

Email us: info@icl.coop
Call us at: 217-529-5561

Subscribe online here

Established in 1943, over 191,000 electric cooperative consumer-members share one thing in common. Each month they receive the largest locally produced statewide publication in Illinois. No other locally produced monthly publication reaches so many homes in Illinois. With subscribers in all 102 counties, you can count on over 435,000 readers checking out each month’s issue.

The real Illinois is waiting to be discovered in the pages of Illinois Country Living!

To place an ad please contact Cheryl at 847-749-4875

Advertising interest form

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Send us your recipes
We need recipes! Please email submissions to finestcooking@icl.coop or mail them to Finest Cooking c/o Illinois Country Living, 6460 S 6th St Frontage Rd E, Springfield, IL 62712. Please include your name, address, phone number (for questions), and the name of your electric cooperative. Recipes not included in the magazine can be found on our website.

Illinois Country Living publishes event listings as space allows, giving preference to events of regional or statewide interest. Event listings are provided by the event sponsors and the Illinois Bureau of Tourism. The magazine assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information submitted for publication and advises calling ahead to confirm dates and times. To be considered for inclusion, e-mail datebook@aiec.coop or send listings and photographs (if sending photographs please include self-addressed stamped envelope) to Illinois Datebook, Illinois Country Living, 6460 S 6th St Frontage Rd E, Springfield, IL 62712.

The deadline for submitting events to the Datebook is 2 1/2 months in advance of the event month.

Submit an online Datebook item.

Terms and Conditions

All classified and display advertising is subject to approval by the publisher. No advertising will be accepted for tobacco, alcohol, firearms, political, medical or health claims for ailment cures, competitive businesses or products of questionable value from companies that cannot be vetted through reputable means. Illinois Country Living reserves the right to refuse any advertising we deem unsuited for Illinois Country Living and its audience. In consideration of publication of advertisement, the advertiser and the agency, jointly and severally, will indemnify and hold harmless the magazine, its officers, agents, owners and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the advertisement, including, without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, copyright infringement or plagiarism.

Position/Alternative Advertising
Positioning is at ICL’s discretion. Advertisers’ requests will be honored whenever possible.

Classified Online and Display Marketplace
Prepayment through ICL’s website is required for all online word ads. Prepayment is also required for all display Marketplace advertisements. For display advertisements, advertisers can pay online, mail a check, or money order for the amount due.

Display Ad Copy and Development
Illinois Country Living magazine’s staff of professional graphic designers can create a top-quality ad for your business. For first-time advertisers, there is no charge for creating an ad. Please send us the following information:

  • Ad size and placement instructions.
  • Payment information for billing.
  • The content, wording, and artwork.
  • Layout ideas or instructions for the design.
  • Contact name, phone number, address, and e-mail address.

Please direct all e-mail files to Chris Reynolds at creynolds@aiec.coop.

Print File Guidelines
Below is a list of guidelines to help us ensure that your advertisement is printed correctly.

Preferred submission formats: Adobe PDF, EPS, InDesign, and Illustrator.
Unacceptable software formats: MS Publisher, MS PowerPoint, Quark Express, GIF, JPG, or HTML files from websites.
Remember to include all printer fonts and link all images.
Resolution of images: a resolution of 300 dpi, relative to the size it will be printed.
Color space: files should be grayscaled or CMYK only.

Digital Advertising Requirements
Limited availability for all three home page ad positions.
Contact the Business Development Manager with questions about section sponsorships on some of the most popular pages: yard and garden, recipes, and energy solutions.
Discounts available for loyal print advertisers.
Acceptable formats: .gif, .jpg, or .png

Acceptance of advertorials is subject to the discretion of the Publisher. Pricing will be based on the size of the content of the advertorial and charged according to full-color advertising display rates.

Submit free events, tourist attractions, and adventures that occur in Illinois. Some events may be placed in the magazine at the discretion of the publisher. For guaranteed placement in the print publication, the rate will be based on full-color advertising display rates.

Submit an online Datebook item.

Contact us to discuss options for placing an advertisement in an upcoming newsletter.

Web Advertising Deadlines
Submit all digital ad materials five business days prior to the campaign start date.

Credit Requirements
Prepayment is required on online Marketplace submissions. Unless a credit account has been established, all first-time advertisers must pre-pay for digital and print advertising.

No cancellations after space reservation deadline.

Payment Methods
ICL accepts, cash, checks, as well as, credit card payments from MasterCard, Visa, and Discover.

Refund policy
The Publisher is not responsible for the advertiser’s errors or for any copy changes received 20 days prior to the mailing date. If a scheduled advertisement is not published, when possible the advertiser may run in the following issue or a refund to the agency or advertiser when an advanced payment has been made for an omitted advertisement. Refunds made will not exceed the prepayment amount agreed upon for the advertisement.

Contact us today for any inquiries.