Answering the call for help

Everyone knows water and electricity don’t mix, and when you add a hurricane, it’s especially dangerous for everyone. When Hurricane Florence approached the eastern coast, a proactive call for restoration help went out to the electric cooperative family.

Nineteen Illinois electric cooperatives answered the call and sent almost 100 linemen. The men and vehicles traveled to North Carolina and Virginia as the storm came ashore. The groups joined those from other states to help the affected cooperatives restore power.

Once conditions were safe to do so, they assisted in power restoration efforts for tens of thousands of those affected by the storm, usually working in the muck and mud to remove downed trees and debris left by the storm. Crews worked 16-hour days, while there was still enough light to work safely, and were able to get the bulk of the outages restored.

While Illinois may not face hurricanes, cooperatives know if they face similar circumstances, due to tornados or ice storms, those from surrounding states are available to lend a hand. It’s the cooperative way.