Youth Day rewind

For more than 60 years, the electric and telephone cooperatives of Illinois have given high school students within their service territory the opportunity to learn from today’s public officials. On March 20, more than 200 students from rural Illinois represented 25 co-ops during Youth Day in Springfield.

Students Cole Buchanan and Hunter Gunderson, representing SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, met with Representative Patrick Windhorst (R-117) during Youth Day. The two will also represent their co-op during Youth Tour in June, a weeklong trip to Washington, D.C.
Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton took time to talk with a large group of students attending Youth Day.
Students representing Shelby Electric Cooperative spoke with Senator Doris Turner (D-48), among other elected officials, during Youth Day.
State Representative Dan Swanson (R-71) met with students from McDonough Power and McDonough Telephone cooperatives on the floor of the House of Representatives.