Illinois Renewable Energy Conference July 21

John Freitag renewable conf_r1John Freitag, Vice President of Operations for the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives and Executive Director for the Geothermal Alliance of Illinois, will be speaking at the third annual Illinois Renewable Energy Conference to be held Thursday, July 21, at the Bone Student Center of Illinois State University in Normal.

The conference is led by the Center for Renewable Energy at Illinois State University, coordinated in partnership with the Geothermal Alliance of Illinois, Illinois Wind Working Group, Wind on the Wires Illinois Biomass Working Group, Illinois Solar Energy Association, and Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. Plenary sessions will be of interest to all areas of renewable energy. Breakout sessions will discuss policy, technology and case studies in specific tracks for wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and energy ­efficiency. The early registration rate is $50 per person. Register online through the website,