Fight back against scams

It is the world we live in today — the necessity to pause and consider before we click, answer or respond to someone seeking information. Scammers target consumers everywhere, often posing as utilities. They often call threatening to shut off power unless payment is made immediately. Or, they may call saying you overpaid and ask for credit card or bank information to provide a credit.

Many of these scam attempts play out like this — the caller poses as a representative of your power provider, says you are behind on your bill, and a truck is on the way to disconnect your service unless you pay your bill right now over the phone. Some ask their targets to purchase prepaid cards and call back with the prepaid card number to pay the bill.

Don’t fall for these scams. Never give out personal information to anyone who calls claiming to be from your utility. Any possible disconnection would be preceded by a written notice. Your utility will never call demanding immediate payment over the phone. If you get such a call or have questions about your bill, call your utility using the number provided on the bill or the utility’s website.

Attempts have also been made in person at the door or via email. If your provider needs to replace or service equipment, they will contact you in advance. In addition, never respond to an email that claims to be from your utility that provides a link for payment or asks for personal information.

If you suspect you are being scammed, hang up the phone, delete the email or shut the door, depending on the situation. Then, call your utility at the number on your monthly bill or on the utility’s website — not the phone number the scammer provides. If you ever feel you are in physical danger, call 911.

If you are a victim of fraud or suspect that you are, contact local law enforcement authorities. The Federal Trade Commission’s website ( is also a good source of information about how to protect personal information.

No matter the scam, the goal of the scammer is to gather personal information. Do not share Social Security numbers, account details, credit card numbers, bank information, death certificates or dates of birth. Thieves can use this information to steal their victim’s identity.