Change is hard. We all still love the warm glow of the old-fashioned glass light bulbs. We hate the increased cost of the new-fangled compact fluorescents (CFL) bulbs and especially the newer light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs. But we also know that change and new innovations also lead to better things. Change is good.
Although the new lighting technology costs more, in the long run these new bulbs really do pay for themselves in energy savings. Incandescent light bulbs use four times more energy and 90 percent of that energy is wasted as heat. That’s why the old Easy-Bake ovens worked. Switching to efficient lighting is also the easiest way to save about 10 to 15 percent on your home’s energy bill. Except for a good sturdy ladder no tools are required.
Adding to the energy efficiency advantage, CFL bulbs can last nine years and LEDs can last up to 23 years. While some of the life expectancy claims may be a little optimistic, they still won’t have to be replaced as often.
So like it or not, say goodbye to the 40-watt and 60-watt incandescent bulbs. As of Jan. 1, they can no longer be manufactured based on the phase-in of a 2007 energy efficiency standard. Traditional 75- and 100-watt bulbs were phased out in 2013.