Future leaders journey to Washington, D.C.

The Illinois delegation paused for a group photo in front of the U.S. Capitol building.

Every summer, a select group of high school students from across Illinois sets off on an unforgettable journey to Washington, D.C., thanks to the support of Illinois’ electric and telephone cooperatives. This year, 54 eager students departed Springfield on June 14 by bus for Youth Tour, a week-long experience designed to inspire and educate.

Youth Tour dates back to 1957, when former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was a senator from Texas at the time, spoke at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s annual meeting.

“If one thing comes out of this meeting, it will be sending youngsters to the national capital, where they can actually see what the flag stands for and represents,” Johnson said. He urged electric co-op leaders to send young people to D.C., “where they can witness their government in action.”

Youth Tour attendees had the chance to meet a veteran and learn about his experience during the Battle of Iwo Jima while visiting the National Museum of the Marine Corps.

The annual tradition officially began in 1964 and is still going strong today. It offers a chance for future leaders to delve into the history of the nation’s capital, while also learning about the vital role electric and telephone cooperatives play in the communities they serve.

From visiting iconic landmarks to participating in hands-on activities that teach the cooperative business model, the itinerary for the Youth Tour was packed with both educational and cultural experiences.

Chip ‘n’ Pop Co-op board and manager

One way the students learned about cooperatives was by forming one themselves. The Chip ‘n’ Pop Co-op is an engaging way to provide the Youth Tour participants with experience in understanding the fundamentals of the cooperative business model.

The students ran their own snack shop by developing a nominating committee, electing a board of directors and hiring a co-op manager. They worked together to manage all aspects of the operation and had an equal say in decision-making, just like the cooperatives that sponsored them on the trip.

Cole Buchanan, who represented SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, was selected by his peers as Illinois’ 2024-25 Youth Leadership Council representative.

In addition, the students voted for one of their peers to represent Illinois on the Youth Leadership Council (YLC). Those interested in becoming Illinois’ YLC representative filled out an application, and five were selected to give a speech in front of their peers.

Cole Buchanan, who represented SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, was selected as the 2024-25 YLC representative for Illinois. He will represent the state at national and state meetings and events in the year ahead.

To learn more about Youth Tour, go to aiec.coop/youth-programs.