The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) announced waterfowl season dates and bag limits for the 2017-18 seasons. The seasons include 60-day duck seasons in each of the state’s four waterfowl hunting zones, along with 107 days of Canada goose hunting opportunity in the North and Central zones, 99 days of Canada goose hunting opportunity in the South Central Zone, and 87 days of Canada goose hunting opportunity in the South Zone. Goose season lengths are shorter in the South Central and South zones to coincide with duck season dates and to match hunter preferences.
The 2017-18 Illinois season dates are the second year of a five-year plan that was developed in 2015. This year, Illinois will open the regular duck, Canada goose, and snow goose seasons on Oct. 21 in the North Zone, Oct. 28 in the Central Zone, Nov. 11 in the South Central Zone, and Nov. 23 in the South Zone. White-fronted goose (specklebelly) seasons will open Oct. 23 in the North Zone, Nov. 5 in the Central Zone, and with duck season in the South Central (Nov. 11) and South zones (Nov. 23).
For information on bag limits and additional details on hunting seasons, go to the IDNR website at