IDOA begins pilot program offering online license renewals

As a mostly ­regulatory state agency, the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) processes more than 70,000 licenses each year for farmers, ­producers, agri­businesses and various other ­organizations. Under an ­initiative launched by Governor Bruce Rauner, all state agencies are ­looking for ways to improve the way state govern­ment meets the needs of Illinois’ ­taxpayers. With that in mind, state Ag Director Raymond Poe has directed all bureaus to develop a plan to offer online license renewals to streamline the way the Department conducts business with its ­constituents. The first bureau to undertake this pilot ­project will be the Bureau of Animal Health & Welfare.

“Businesses these days are ­looking for ways to be more ­efficient and effective with their time and resources,” said Poe. “Our goal should be to make doing ­business in the state of Illinois easier, not more difficult. Utilizing digital ­technology, we will be able to increase ­efficiencies for all ­parties, reduce costs and ­provide a positive experience for our customers.”

Beginning in late May, the Bureau mailed out renewal notices to all ­current licensees in compliance with the Illinois Animal Welfare Act. Included in the letter were instructions on how to renew a license online, as well as a sample to serve as a tutorial.

The Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare currently issues over 5,200 licenses each year in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act. The ­following licenses will be ­available for online renewal under this pilot program: Pet Shop Operator, Cattery Operator, Dog Dealer, Kennel Operator, Animal Control, Animal Shelter, Horse Rescue and Guard Dog Service.

Those wishing to renew their license may do so by visiting A link to the site can also be found on the Department’s homepage.