Sloppy Joes for a Crowd

Sloppy Joes for a Crowd

Submitted by Barb Johnson, Clinton County Electric Cooperative
Servings 100


  • 20 pounds ground beef
  • 3 cups onions chopped
  • 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 pound brown sugar
  • 1 cup mustard
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 128 ounces ketchup
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Brown the ground beef and drain the grease.
  • Mix browned meat and all other ingredients in a large electric roaster set to 350 F and stir frequently for 1 hour.
  • Turn down the heat and simmer until ready to serve.


Editor’s note: In Johnson’s submission, she indicated that this recipe can be divided between several slow cookers if an electric roaster isn’t available and said the recipe has been successfully halved and quartered for smaller groups. In the ICL test kitchen, this recipe was quartered and put into a slow cooker on high for 2 hours.