Adams Electric Cooperative (AEC) General Manager Jim Thompson received the Illinois Cooperative Council’s (ICC) Outstanding Cooperative Manager Award at the AEC’s office on Monday, February 19.
For more than 30 years, efforts of the Illinois Cooperative Council have promoted a positive climate for cooperatives and helped to educate the public about the value and importance of cooperatives in our everyday lives. Each year the council presents awards in four outstanding leadership categories: Director, Manager/CEO, Educator and Friend.
Thompson was selected for the award for his commitment to excellence at Adams Electric.
Always keeping members in mind, he focuses on providing safe, reliable and affordable electric service, and on providing the co-op’s employees and staff with education necessary to provide the best possible member service.
AEC is also known for its community commitment. The cooperative has been a driving force behind the Adams County Great River Economic Development Foundation and Adams County United Way and has supported many community projects and programs through its Penny Power program.
Thompson has shown cooperation among cooperatives through the expansion of electric service internationally by providing employees and materials for overseas projects and by sending line crews and equipment to cooperatives in-state and out-of-state to help restore power during outages.
Nancy McDonald, vice president of member services at the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives (AIEC), and an ICC director, says, “Under Jim Thompson’s leadership, Adams Electric Cooperative is a model cooperative. His efforts are admired by his cooperative peers.”