Alan Wattles, president and CEO of Monroe County Electric Cooperative (MCEC), was recently elected to serve as Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC) board president after the untimely passing of Dean Tesch, CFC board president. Wattles has served on the CFC board since 2016 and will serve the remainder of Tesch’s term.
“I’m extremely humbled to be president of the CFC board of directors,” Wattles shared. “It’s somewhat bittersweet. I cherished the friendship and camaraderie that I had with Dean. I’ll do my best to serve these next few months of his term to honor him to the best of my abilities.”
With more than 18 years of service as MCEC president and CEO, Wattles continues to enjoy working with the cooperative’s dedicated staff and board of directors. The system maintains more than 1,200 miles of line and serve more than 7,500 connections across Monroe, Randolph and St. Clair counties.