The Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives (AIEC) annually develops and provides training and education as part of the NRECA’s Rural Electric Safety Achievement Program (RESAP). The RESAP program was developed to maintain a culture of safety at cooperatives by committing to an “all in” buy in from every level – from board members and general managers to cooperative employees and statewide associations.
By participating in the program, cooperatives commit to safety as an organizational value through training, educating and assessing its workforce. These elements help to promote safe behaviors and environments that aim to reduce and prevent injuries. The AIEC conducts RESAP assessments on a three-year rotational basis.
The following cooperatives were recognized with Certificates of Achievements for their RESAP assessments in 2020 – Corn Belt Energy Corporation, Bloomington; Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association, Murphysboro; EnerStar Electric Cooperative; Paris; McDonough Power Cooperative, Macomb; Rural Electric Convenience Cooperative, Auburn; Shelby Electric Cooperative, Shelbyville; and Western Illinois Electrical Coop., Carthage.