According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, an estimated 640 WWII veterans die each day. The mission of the Honor Flight Network is to transport, free of charge, America’s veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices.
“The Land of Lincoln Honor Flight team is taking applications in order of their service for veterans from World War II, Korea and Vietnam,” says Craig Costello, an Honor Flight volunteer and lineman for Rural Electric Convenience Cooperative, Auburn. “Last year we flew more than 500 veterans out of the Springfield airport. This year we have pledged to send more than 600. The flight is free for the veterans.”
Costello says the Land of Lincoln Honor Flights are scheduled for March 25th, April 29th and June 10th. In addition to veterans, the organization is always looking for volunteers and donations. Go to www.landoflincolnhonorflight.org or contact Costello at 217-438-9198.
There are seven other regional Honor Flight Hubs in Illinois. If the veteran you know doesn’t live in the Springfield area, go towww.honorflight.org and click on the Regional Hubs map, then select Illinois for a listing.