Illinois YLC Collin Moseley represents state at annual meeting

Each year Illinois electric cooperative students attending the Youth to Washington Tour elect one of their peers to represent the state on the Youth Leadership Council (YLC). Collin Moseley, Clay Electric Co-operative, Inc., represented Illinois at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association annual meeting held in Orlando, Fla., March 9-13.

Moseley says, “The annual meeting was nothing but awe inspiring. I could not get over the extensive number of people who all came together in support of the cooperative cause. I was fortunate to help with the Co-ops Vote booth and assist in the annual business meeting. When our chaperone said we would be like celebrities, she wasn’t kidding. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of people that took an interest in me just because I was wearing a red YLC shirt.

“All of us left that conference with tears in our eyes, new lifetime friends and a belief in our ability to enact change. For that, I am forever grateful.”