Jo-Carroll Energy receives USDA grant

Imagine-What-you-could-do_color_OUTLINESThe United States Department of Agriculture announced that Jo-Carroll Energy (JCE) has been awarded a $2 million Community Connect Grant for a fiber-to-the premise (FTTP) internet project. The grant will help the cooperative deliver high-speed, reliable broadband internet to a rural area in Jo Daviess County.

Sand Prairie, JCE’s broadband division, will use the grant funds to construct 25 miles of aerial and underground mainline fiber and 32 miles of drop fiber to 420 premises. The properties are located primarily on the northern and northeastern side of Lake Galena in either an under- or unserved area.

“Fiber is a key element to keeping and drawing younger people and transforming more of the visitors to our area into residents who can bring in new businesses that heighten the quality of life for our members and communities,” said JCE President/CEO Mike Casper.