In this unprecedented time, a myriad of challenges to everyday life have presented themselves. One of those was producing the May and June magazines remotely. This is the first time Illinois Country Living has been produced by a staff completely working from home. Our challenges are nothing compared to those of our healthcare workers, emergency services personnel, teachers, those stocking grocery shelves and employees at your electric cooperatives. All deserve our highest gratitude.
We appreciate your readership and, in this time of social distancing, want you to know you can depend on us to bring you valuable information from your electric cooperatives. Some co-ops are choosing to postpone annual meetings until a later date in order to keep you safe. Watch for updates in your co-op’s center pages as future plans are announced.
We are all weathering this crisis together. Hold your loved ones a little closer and stay safe. Blessings to you and yours, Valerie Cheatham