USDA Rural Development supports Illinois jobs

USDA at wind turbine img_6742USDA Rural Development has made investments to help 493 rural businesses in Illinois thrive and grow. USDA invests in everything from advanced biofuels manufacturing ­facilities to food hubs to help businesses, many of them small, ­capitalize on emerging markets for rural-made products.

USDA Rural Development’s goal is to promote a dynamic business environment and create oppor­tunities for rural employment. It partners with private sector and ­community-based organizations to provide financial assistance for business planning and development. It also ­provides funding for technical assistance to rural businesses and cooperatives, research into rural economic issues, and renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

Business and Cooperative Programs help fund ­projects that create or preserve quality jobs and/or promote a clean rural environment. Eligible ­borrowers may include ­individuals, ­corporations, partnerships, ­cooperatives public bodies, non-profit corporations and private companies.

For more information go to or call 217-403-6200.