Why you receive Illinois Country Living from your co-op

Did you know Illinois Country Living magazine is provided to you by your local electric cooperative?

You get a copy of Illinois Country Living each month because it is the most convenient and economical way for your co-op to share information with its members.

Cooperatives are founded on seven co-op principles with the fifth principle being “education, training and information.” To live up to this principle, Illinois’ electric co-ops use Illinois Country Living to educate and inform their members. Each month, the co-ops publish information about co-op services, director elections, annual meetings, rate changes, energy-saving options, safety tips and more. Sending all that information in individual mailings would increase costs and add to your electric bill.

Many co-op members have a tendency to simply toss flyers and newsletters that only contain electric news. By weaving the electric information you need to know throughout an interesting magazine that covers a wide variety of interests, readership increases and you learn more about your cooperative.

By working with other Illinois electric cooperatives to publish part of the magazine, your local co-op can send all of this information to you at an affordable cost.