Co-ops Vote campaign to help rural voters

COV_STICK_01_flatThis year, electric ­cooperatives across the country are ­working to buck the trend of ­diminishing votes from rural America by ­fanning out across the ­country to encourage co-op members to ­register to vote, and get to the polls on Election Day.

The Co-ops Vote campaign is a ­nonpartisan effort to ­educate rural voters on issues that affect them, and then encourage those voters to choose candidates that they believe will take a favorable stand on those issues.

“We want to get people excited about voting,” said Laura Vogel, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) senior political affairs advisor.

Co-ops Vote is a national ­initiative, with boots on the ground in states where rural ­voters can make a real impact. NRECA’s efforts also will focus on critical issues for electric co-ops. They include broadband service, federal regulations on water, renewable energy, LIHEAP, cyber­security and hiring veterans.

NRECA interim CEO Jeffrey Connor said, “We elec­trified the countryside. We unified our diverse members. And we made electricity a great ambassador for America around the globe. We’ve always chosen to do the right thing over the easy thing. So now we can ­continue that ­tradition by doing something to change the tone … something to make our country politically strong again.”

Visit the Co-ops Vote web site, WWW.VOTE.COOP. The web site will give you information on your elected officials and ­candidates, the voter registration process, election dates and ­locations, and background about eight key co-op issues ­including: rural broadband access, ­hiring and honoring ­veterans, low-income energy assistance, ­cybersecurity, water regulation, rural health care access, affordable and ­reliable energy, and renewable energy.

Source: ECT Cathy Cash